SWAP IT is a complimentary evidence-based program promoting healthy lunchboxes. It aids parents and caregivers in switching their child's lunchbox contents from occasional treats to everyday nutritious foods.
- Cost-Free: Schools can participate at no charge.
- Parent-Friendly: Provides visual ideas for quicker and healthier lunchboxes without added expenses.
- School-Friendly: Resources align with the current curriculum.
- Proven Effectiveness: Enhances the nutritional value of lunchbox items. Parents appreciate it, and teachers observe notable benefits in the classroom.
Children's diet at school affects their focus, health, and overall well-being. Enhancing lunchboxes can have a significant impact! A child's daily energy intake is about one-third from their school lunchbox, presenting a key opportunity to enhance nutrition and well-being.
Everyday foods support children's growth and learning. By replacing occasional treats with healthier options, we are preparing children for optimal physical, mental, and behavioral performance at school and home.