28 Jun 2024

On Friday night we went down to the Burrumbottock Hall and it was crowded! Everyone was excited to see Burrumbuttock’s talent!
K-2 had the first acts and they did not disappoint with their dancing, thunder percussion and cute Teddy Bear song. Then the preschool had their two acts and they got a ten!
Then it was Waratah’s turn and first up it was ‘Click Go The Shears’ with well behaved sheep. The girls did their dance ‘Timber’, very well coordinated and hopefully they didn’t get caught by the police! The best of all was the dodgy gymnasts because the boys looked really funny in their tutus and leotards! We had to shake it off - with our percussion item that we had been learning with Kristen from the Murray Arts Conservatorium. Last, but definitely not least, we sang ‘Burrum Will Rock You’, a song written by our talented teacher, Ms Griffin
The Noisy Miners came back with their custom written songs and then the Fandrich’s played, keyboard, recited poems and sang the song ‘In Springtime’. What a talented family!
At the very end of the show the audience went crazy! It was a very enjoyable night and everyone had fun. It proves that Burrumbuttock really does have talent!
By Lara, Matthew, Kruze, Willow